Latest News
August 8, 2022Spring Convocation 2022
The 2022 Spring Convocation ceremonies were joyous occasions.
AlumniCommunity -
August 8, 2022Updates from the Alumni Students Mentorship Program
The program will run again this year and we are recruiting students and alumni mentors!
August 8, 2022Woodsworth College Legacy Society
Donors attended our first Legacy Lunch in two years.
July 7, 2022Alumni Association News
Alumni Association celebrates Alumni Reunion at their recent AGM
Alumni -
June 15, 2022Meet Matida Daffeh: Class of 2022
"I learned to be resilient, regardless of the challenges that may come my way." Matida will graduate on June 21 at the Woodsworth College spring convocation ceremony.
AlumniCommunityRegistrarial Services -
June 7, 2022Convocation: Twin Sisters Graduate
Meet Talia and Rachel Williams, recent grads!
AlumniCommunityRegistrarial ServicesAcademic Bridging -
May 30, 2022Spring Convocation
The University and Woodsworth College prepare for graduation ceremonies in Convocation Hall.