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Advising & Support Services

Office of the Registrar

Visit the Woodsworth College Office of the Registrar for frontline, academic and financial advising.

Dean of Students

The Woodsworth College Office of the Dean of Students runs programs and services to help you make the most of your time at U of T such as workshops, orientationstudent life events, mentorship programs and leadership training.

Academic Support

At Woodsworth College we take pride in our excellent academic support services:

Other resources

Woodsworth College Students' Association

WCSA offers the following services:

  • 5-cent printing services
  • Official Woodsworth merchandise 
  • Scholarships and grants
  • Events, clubs & intramurals
  • Committee involvement 
  • Commuter services
  • Visit the WCSA website
Room WW103, 119 St. George Street
Faculty of Arts & Science
Office of the Registrar

The Faculty of Arts & Science Office of the Registrar is your go-to point for all Faculty procedures and guidelines including the academic calendar, course timetables, graduation confirmation letters, transfer credits and examination re-check/ re-read.

Academic departments

Contact a specific academic department if you have questions course prerequisites, corequisites & exclusions; course outlines; enrolling in ā€˜Eā€™ indicator courses; program requirements and program admission requirements.