Visiting Students Program
As a visiting student at the Faculty of Arts & Science (St. George campus), you can enrol in one or more courses on a letter of permission and transfer the credit back to your home university.
What are the benefits of the program?
- Study at one of Canada’s leading universities.
- Choose from over 500 courses offered within the Faculty of Arts & Science in a wide variety of subject areas.
- Explore new areas of interest that may not be offered by your home institution.
- Receive guidance from academic advisors and learning strategists at the Office of the Registrar.
- Access campus services and supports such as Centre for Learning Strategy Support, Accessibility Services and Health & Wellness.
Studying at U of T
- Most courses have returned to in-person learning at the University of Toronto but some courses may have remote/online learning components. The timetable will make a note of any online components. If a course you plan to enrol in has online learning components, please note the recommended technology requirements to successfully engage in your classes.
- The UTogether website is a great place to connect with and learn about the U of T community.
- For the latest information on the University of Toronto’s response to COVID-19 and other Respiratory Illnesses, please see the UTogether and the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) webpages.
- The University’s mask requirements have been lifted as of July 1, 2022. However, the use of a medical mask in high-density indoor spaces when physical distancing is not possible is strongly encouraged. The University is a mask-friendly environment, and we ask everyone to respect each other’s decisions, comfort levels, and health needs. The University will continue to monitor public health conditions to adjust our response as needed, and we will update you on any changes.