Woodsworth student appointed as Artist in Residence at Hart House

Masoud Riyazati has over a decade of experience in documentary work and portrait photography. He is also an award-winning filmmaker and experienced film editor. Born in Iran, Masoud moved to Canada in his late twenties. He is currently a student at Woodsworth College where he studies anthropology and visual studies.
Masoud's images offer fresh insights on navigating a new culture and the emotional effects of migration. Visit Masoud's solo exhibition at Talking Walls (Hart House, Main Floor) from April 18 - May 11, 2023.

As part of his residency, Masoud will be conducting a workshop on experimental printing techniques on March 31. In addition, he and his fellow Artist in Residence, musician Nina Platiša, will be hosting From Lived Experience to Artwork: a concept exploration workshop, on March 10.
Read the full article about Masoud Riyazati and Nina Platiša on the Hart House website.
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