Student Groups
Woodsworth Residence Council (WRC)
The Woodsworth Residence Council is a group of student leaders elected to represent your interests and strengthen our community. They are broadly responsible for advocating on behalf of residents and planning opportunities for residents to get to know one another.
The Woodsworth Residence Council (WRC) is a student-run organization responsible for advocating on behalf of residents and planning opportunities for residents to get to know one another. They work collaboratively with residence staff to continually enhance the student experience in residence.
The WRC is comprised of elected residents who serve in various positions, including president, vice president, social convenor, secretary, treasurer and community outreach chair, as well as representatives from each floor.
Please visit the WRC website for further information.
Operations Committee
Led by the vice-president of the WRC, the residence operations committee is tasked with reviewing and suggesting improvements to residence operations, facilities, residence life and finances. The committee comprises current residents and professional staff.
Social Committee
Led by the social convenor of the WRC, the social committee is responsible for planning building-wide social events. Past events include coffee houses, BBQs, costume contests, movie nights, House Cup competitions and the annual semi-formal.
Community Outreach Committee
Led by WRC's community outreach chair, this committee is responsible for establishing a mutually beneficial relationship between residents and the greater Toronto community through a variety of service-oriented events and initiatives.

Residence House Councils
House Councils are comprised of elected student leaders who represent the voices of residents living within their communities and organize fun social events.
Members of the House Council work closely with their respective dons and the Woodsworth Residence Council to provide numerous opportunities to meet other students, develop as leaders and address any community issues that may arise throughout the year.
Elections for House Council roles are held in September each year.