Upcoming Events
24MarExpanding History in the Digital Age: Mapping, Digitizing, and Creating Markers to Illuminate the PastAlumniCommunityEmily McGuire
27MarAcademic Bridging Program Info SessionAlumniCommunityAcademic Bridging
1AprAcademic Bridging Program Info SessionAlumniCommunityAcademic Bridging
3AprMorley Gunderson Lecture in Industrial Relations and Labour Economics
Join us on Thursday, April 3rd for our 2025 Morley Gunderson Lecture in Industrial Relations and Labour Economics, Time: At Work and Not at Work, delivered by Daniel Hamermesh, professor emeritus of economics at Royal Holloway University of London & University of Texas at Austin.
We will also award the Morley Gunderson Prize which honours current students or alumni who combine outstanding personal achievement with significant service to the Centre.
AlumniCommunityDaniel S. Hamermesh