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Woodsworth College Annual Awards Celebration

April 11, 2023

Last month we hosted our Annual Awards Celebration, which recognizes our student scholarship recipients and our generous donors. We were happy to host this event in-person again, in a new format – a reception!   

Hosted in the Great Hall at Hart House, the reception format allowed our guests to mingle and meet more people. We also tried a fun matching game to help students and donors find each other. 

Images from Awards Celebration

During the event, we heard brief remarks from Principal Carol Chin, Sofiya Datsyuk (President of WCAA), Jessica Johnson (President of WCSA) and Sarah Witol (Assistant Principal & Registrar). Their remarks touched on the generosity of our donors and immense gratitude from the College for their support. Their remarks also recognized our incredible students, who are excelling both inside and outside of the classroom.

Congratulations to our students and a big “thank you” to our donors!

Click here to view photos from the Awards Celebration.

Image of a group of students who attended the Awards Celebration on March 15, 2023.

College News


Cancer researcher, entrepreneur and Justin Bieber’s DJ: A&S alum Amir Alam is a man of many talents

December 9, 2024

Amir Alam’s journey to the Faculty of Arts & Science started with a bet.

As a teenager, his love for creating music was ignited one night when he saw a DJ spinning records for a raucous crowd. He struck a deal with his mother: if he got accepted to every major Canadian university he applied to, she would buy him his first set of turntables. He won the wager after fast-tracking his last year of high school and receiving an offer of admission from U of T (along with other top-ranked schools) a few months later.
