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How do I apply?

There are two sessions in which you can be admitted as a Visiting Student to the Faculty of Arts & Science at the University of Toronto (St. George)

Summer Session

APPLICATIONS will open in early February 2025 for the 2025 Summer academic session. 

You can view the preliminary Summer Timetable on U of T's Timetable Builder.  Please be sure you are searching with Faculty of Arts & Science under Faculty/Division field and Summer under the Session field.

If you require a course syllabus to apply for a Letter of Permission at your home university, please contact the Academic Unit that will host the related course. 

Summer dates and deadlines in the Faculty of Arts & Science can be viewed here. Once admitted as a Visiting Student, you can begin enrolling in Summer 2025 courses as of 5:00pm on March 3, 2025. 


Fall/Winter Session 

APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED for the 2024-25 Fall/Winter academic session.

Applications for the 2025-26 Fall/Winter academic session are expected to open in late May 2025.



Browse courses

Browse through the Timetable Builder to see which courses are available. Click the More Course Information dropdown at the top of each course you’re interested in to see if there are any prerequisites, corequisites and exclusions that apply to that course. You should only list a course on your letter of permission if you’ve met the prerequisites, corequisites and exclusions for that course.

Some courses are not open to visiting students. Learn about which courses you are allowed to take as a visiting student.

When you browse the courses, you will see that each course is offered in one of three sections: F, S, and Y. 

During the Fall/Winter session, these sections occur as follows:
F - September to December
S - January to April
Y - September to April
Visiting Students can enrol in a maximum of 5.0 credits during the Fall/Winter session, with a maximum of 2.5 credits during each of the F and S semesters. 

During the Summer session, these sections occur as follows:
F - May to June 
S - July to August
Y - May to August
Visiting Students can enrol in a maximum of 2.0 credits during the Summer session, with a maximum of 1.0 credits during each of the F and S sub-sessions.


Request a letter of permission

Request a letter of permission from your home university that lists the courses you’d like to take as a visiting student. Some courses are not open to visiting students. Learn about which courses you are allowed to take as a visiting student.

What to include in your letter of permission:

  • The letter of permission must be on your home university’s official letterhead.
  • It should include your full name and should indicate whether or not you’re in good academic standing at your home university. If it does not state you are in good or satisfactory standing you will need to upload a copy of your academic record as part of your application.
  • List the University of Toronto course code and course title for each course you’d like to take here as a visiting student.
  • List as many courses as possible, in case you aren’t able to get into your preferred course(s).
  • Indicate the academic session during which you’d like to study here. 

Note: If your home university requires a course outline for the course you want to take, please contact the academic department that hosts the course to request the course outline. The U of T Visiting Students office does NOT have a copy of course outlines. 


Send us your approved letter of permission

Once your letter of permission has been approved and signed by your home university, send it to us as soon as possible (or have your institution send it to us).

There are two options for how to send us your letter of permission:




  • To apply, click the button near the top of this page that says APPLY HERE  (when applications are open)
  • Although it is possible to submit an online application without a letter of permission, we will not assess your application until we have received your letter of permission
  • Note: the $90 application fee is non-refundable

What happens after I've applied?

  • You’ll hear back from our office about the results of your application within two weeks.
  • If you are admitted to the Visiting Students program, you'll be given information about;
  • Make sure to follow the Academic Dates & Deadlines