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Which programs can I take?

As a Diploma to Degree student, you’ll be able to focus on more than one subject area. Choose from a wide range of programs and create a combination unique to your interests.

The Diploma to Degree program can potentially provide entry into various streams of study:

  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Some programs within specific streams have special requirements for entry. This is common in the Life Sciences and Physical and Mathematical Sciences streams. Special requirements may include:

  • completing one or more required courses
  • achieving a minimum grade in a course
  • going through a special application process
  • specific high school level prerequisites (E.g. Gr.12 Biology, Gr.12 Calculus)

There are over 300 programs options. Here are a few examples of programs within each stream of study:

  • Humanities: English, French, History, Philosophy
  • Social Sciences: Human Geography, Political Science, Sociology
  • Life Sciences: Human Biology, Environmental Science, Nutritional Sciences, Psychology
  • Physical and Mathematical Sciences: Mathematics, Physics, Statistics

This pathway program does not provide direct entry into Professional and Graduate Programs (e.g. Education, Law, Engineering, Dentistry).