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Tours for Future Residents


There is no better way to get a sense of our community than to visit the residence for a tour. Should you have the time, please consider registering for a tour of the downtown university campus as well.

Residence Tour

During a residence tour, you will have the opportunity to meet an upper-year Woodsworth student who will show you around a residence suite and the many common amenities found throughout the building. Tours of the residence are typically held Fridays at 3 pm (some exceptions apply).

Registration is required in advance. 

To view a virtual tour of the college and residence, please visit us here! 

As of June 2022, residence tours are not being held until further notice. 

Campus Tour

Campus tours can give you a feel for student life at the University of Toronto. The tours are free of charge and are led by current students who’ll give you the inside scoop on their university experience.

These tours are co-ordinated by the Office of Student Recruitment at the Nona MacDonald Visitor's Centre.