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Avoiding academic offences during the final exam period

How to Avoid Academic Offences and Resulting Penalties

As you prepare for your in-person and online final exams, make sure to familiarize yourself with the examination rules found on the Faculty of Arts & Science Exam Toolkit page as well as the University’s Academic Integrity guidelines.

Rules and guidelines for online and in-person exams can be found below.

Any and all allegations of academic misconduct will be addressed through the University's established policies and procedures.

Online Exams

For online exams, please pay close attention to the academic integrity guidelines that your instructor communicates to you, particularly those around obtaining  "unauthorized aid/ assistance" with your answers. Be clear on whether the exam is “open book” or if you are to complete it without reference to any other course or subject materials.

In-Person Exams

For in-person exams, read through the rules and instructions below:

1. Valid Photo ID is Required

For in-person exams, you are required to bring a valid photo ID to be able to write the exam. Visit the Academic Calendar to learn about the types of valid photo ID, including your TCard.

2. Listen to All Announcements

Arrive on time and follow all announcements and instructions given by the exam supervisors. Stop writing when told to do so. If you continue to write or fill in your scantron form after the end of the exam, you will be reported for an offence. Penalties include a grade sanction and transcript annotation.

3. No Cell Phones in Exams

Possession of a phone, laptop, or any other electronic storage or communication device during an examination is an academic offence, even if you are not using it or it is turned off. Penalties include a grade reduction and transcript annotation.

4. Place Items in a Sealed Bag Under Your Chair or at Side of Room

The Faculty recognizes that your phone and laptop are valuable items that you may not want to leave at the side of the examination room.

You may bring a bag for these items, and store them under your chair in the closed bag. As long as all the items are in a closed bag under your seat and you do not touch them, this will not be considered an academic offence.

5. Pockets Must be Empty

You can hang your coat on the back of your chair. The rules around this are strict: your coat pockets must be emptyand your own pockets must be empty of any unauthorized aids, like electronic devices and study notes.

6. Bring a Watch (but not a Smart Watch)

At an exam, cell phones and smart watches cannot be used as a clock, because these can store data and are therefore an unauthorized aid.

7. Other Unauthorized Aids

Study notes, calculators, iPods, dictionaries, etc. are NOT permitted at the exam unless specified on the front cover of the exam or announced at the beginning of the exam.

Only bring to your desk what you are allowed.

8. Calculators

If a calculator is not specifically mentioned as an allowable aid for your exam, you can safely assume that a calculator is not allowed.

If a certain kind of calculator is allowed (e.g. non-programmable), and if you are not sure if your calculator is okay, ask an invigilator. If you are using a type of calculator that is not allowed, you risk getting reported for having an unauthorized aid and having your calculator confiscated for the duration of the exam.

9. Keep Your Eyes and Thoughts to Yourself

Do not talk or communicate with anyone else writing the exam - even your friends. You don't want to do anything that could make the exam supervisors think you are cheating.

10. Protect Your Work

If your answers are easy for other students to see, they may copy them. Be safe and protect your hard work - for example, don't write multiple choice answers in large letters.

We wish you all the best with your final exams!
The team at the Woodsworth College Office of the Registrar.