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Financial aid

Sources of Financial Aid:


OSAP, provincial loans and U.S. loans

If you are a full-time, undergraduate student at Woodsworth, your primary source of financial assistance would be a student loan such as:


OSAP tips:



University of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students (UTAPS) could help to fill the financial gap if you are a full-time student receiving the maximum amount of government financial aid available, but your funding doesn’t cover all university costs.



A Woodsworth College grant can provide assistance if you have explored all other avenues of financial assistance and you are still experiencing financial need.

Grants and bursaries are secondary sources of modest financial aid mean to supplement government student loans, savings, employment, and available support from family. They are not intended to replace these primary sources of financial support.

In most cases, grants and bursaries are intended to assist registered, first-degree students only.  Non-degree and visiting students do not normally qualify.

The average grant for a full-time student with a student loan is about $1500. The budget included in the application must demonstrate financial need and reasonable expenses. Students are expected to accept both the loan and the grant portion of student loans, if available, prior to applying for a grant.

Students who are unable to access student loans or other sources of financial aid are encouraged to connect with the Awards Officer to discuss their financial plan well in advance of the start of term.

Should you be experiencing an unexpected education-related expense or emergency, please do not hesitate to reach out for support. 


Noah Meltz Program of Financial Assistance

If you are an undergraduate student in a certificate, degree or diploma program (including the Academic Bridging Program) taking less than 60 per cent of a full course load, you may be eligible to apply for a Noah Meltz grant.


Work Study

Work Study provides students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and experience through paid work on campus.


APUS Bursaries for Part-Time Students

Recognizing that part-time students face barriers to accessing funding from governmental and institutional programs, the Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students (APUS) offers bursaries on the basis of financial need as determined by Enrolment Services.

Other Resources:

Financial advising

Our Awards Officer can assist you with:

  • Planning your budget while you are a student

  • Helping you to access grants or scholarships 

  • The grant application process

  • Questions about student loans

  • Information about tuition fee calculations

Central Services

  • Student Accounts is U of T’s central office that publishes fees information and deals with service charges (interest charged on late fees), fee re-calculations, refunds and sponsorships. Visit the Student Accounts website. 
  • The University Registrar's Office is the central financial aid office for the university. Detailed questions about your Canadian student loan (including OSAP) may best be answered by their staff. Learn how to reach the University Registrar's Office
