Generous Woodsworth College donors make scholarships and bursaries possible.

A legacy of giving at Woodsworth College
We are grateful to all our donors whose dedication, commitment and generosity make student awards possible. Through our Boundless Campaign, over $14 million has been raised.
Ways of Giving:
Major Gifts:
Student awards that create a minimum endowment (currently at least $25,000, depending on the type of award) will be named after the donor. You may designate your award to a specific area of study.
Gift Planning:
Bequests and other forms of giving ensure continued support for students into the future. At Woodsworth many donors have stepped forward to make this critical difference. Here you can find out more about bequests, gifts of stocks and securities and other forms of giving.
Online Giving:
Giving is always available online.
Help our students reach new heights!
Email barbara.track@utoronto.ca for more information on giving opportunities.
Justin Zelnicker
"The Woodsworth College Donor community has had and continues to have an immense impact on my life. Their generosity has given me the opportunity to fully invest myself in my studies without being held back by any possible financial burdens. I am so incredibly thankful to them for the support, it has truly given me the chance to take my academics to another level."
Barbara Warren
"I support Woodsworth because it's a place where they recognize that people's lives may not follow a straight line, and they're there to support, boost, and cheer on those people in achieving goals that may have seemed out of reach. U. of T. can feel like a big place at times, but Woodsworth always feels like a home."