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Repeated Course Request

  • Current Declaration
  • Student Info
  • Course Info
  • Confidentiality
  • Complete


  • This form is for 2025 Summer course repeat requests only. 


Students may only repeat a course for which they have obtained credit under two circumstances:

  1. When students need to achieve a minimum mark in a course for entry to a limited enrolment program or for meeting a prerequisite to take another course in their program, they may repeat such a course once. The second attempt at the course would normally be marked Extra, unless the mark obtained in the second attempt is higher, in which case the first attempt would be marked Extra to a maximum of 2.0 credits overall.
  2. Students may repeat up to 1.0 credit in courses which they have already obtained credit for reasons other than to meet the minimum mark for entry to a limited enrolment program or for course prerequisite purposes (such as needing the course for a graduate or professional school program). The repeated course will be designated as Extra.

Extra courses appear on a student's academic record with a final course mark and are noted as "EXT." Extra courses do not count for degree credit and are not included in calculating a student's Grade Point Average. However, Extra courses may count in other respects, such as to satisfy program requirements or Breadth Requirements.