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Arbor Award Pin

Three Woodsworth Alumni receive the U of T Arbor Award

November 18, 2020

The Arbor Awards are the University of Toronto’s highest honour in recognition of exceptional and longstanding volunteer service.

Woodsworth College is very proud of the newest recipients of the Arbor Award.  All three award winners have been dedicated members of the College's Alumni-Students Mentorship Program.  

Our award winners are:

Maria Luisa Abrera-Farol, WDW09 

Maria Luisa is a dedicated mentor to students in the Criminology and Sociolegal Studies program at Woodsworth. She has provided valuable career advice to students based on her industry experience and goes above and beyond, frequently giving students tours of facilities and organizing meetings with her colleagues in Correctional Services.

Julie He, WDW10

Julie is the current treasurer of the Woodsworth College Alumni Association and has been an ambassador for the College’s annual fund campaign. She has also served as a mentor, always ensuring her mentees have a productive and meaningful experience.

Tristan Downe-Dewdney

Tristan is a valued member of the Alumni-Students Mentorship Program at Woodsworth. He freely shares his experiences in government and gives his mentees practical advice on careers in politics and public policy. Tristan is a former part-time student at Woodsworth College.

Congratulations all!

College News


Cancer researcher, entrepreneur and Justin Bieber’s DJ: A&S alum Amir Alam is a man of many talents

December 9, 2024

Amir Alam’s journey to the Faculty of Arts & Science started with a bet.

As a teenager, his love for creating music was ignited one night when he saw a DJ spinning records for a raucous crowd. He struck a deal with his mother: if he got accepted to every major Canadian university he applied to, she would buy him his first set of turntables. He won the wager after fast-tracking his last year of high school and receiving an offer of admission from U of T (along with other top-ranked schools) a few months later.
