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50th Anniversary Logo

50th Anniversary Memory: Zahir Dhalla (BSc 1981)

October 23, 2024

Professor Carl Gottlieb (the 'Father of Computing' in Canada) taught us a course on the economics of computers. During breaks, there was always some group of students with topical questions for him. One time he commented: Whatever you do, you have to be good at it. Over the years, this homily resonated with my efforts to become good at one and many things.

Thank you 'Kelly' (as he was known to friends). RIP.

After Graduating 

I went on to become successful as an I.T. professional, the last 17 years of which as a freelance consultant. Along with my first degree in mapping science (U. of Nairobi, Kenya 1973), I was also successful in the world of G.I.S. (Geographic Information Systems).

Have a memory to share?

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College News


Cancer researcher, entrepreneur and Justin Bieber’s DJ: A&S alum Amir Alam is a man of many talents

December 9, 2024

Amir Alam’s journey to the Faculty of Arts & Science started with a bet.

As a teenager, his love for creating music was ignited one night when he saw a DJ spinning records for a raucous crowd. He struck a deal with his mother: if he got accepted to every major Canadian university he applied to, she would buy him his first set of turntables. He won the wager after fast-tracking his last year of high school and receiving an offer of admission from U of T (along with other top-ranked schools) a few months later.
