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50th Anniversary Memory: Jennie Bangay (BA 1982, BSc 2008)

October 9, 2024

My memories of Woodsworth College are of gratitude. Its part-time programs allowed me to pursue advanced education while I worked. This allowed me to continue to enjoy my passion for learning as well as to advance at work.

I went on to do a Master in Public Administration at Norwich University in the United States, also in a part-time program. Because I was a part-time student, I spent very little time on campus but I do remember studying in the carrols at OISE and getting a coffee to take to class in Sid Smith.

Thank you, Woodsworth College. You enriched my life.


After Graduating 

I worked in the private sector banking (Trader's Group, Bank of Montreal, and Citibank), in chartered accountancy firms (Fruitman, Kates and Company and Coopers and Lybrand), for the government of Ontario (the Office of the Provincial Auditor, the Ministry of Housing, Management Board, and Legal Aid). Then, after completing my degree in Psychology, I worked in children's mental health (Griffin Centre) and went on to do consulting in program evaluation.

Have a memory to share?

Help us celebrate our 50th Anniversary by sharing a memory or testimonial of your time at Woodsworth College. Tell us about friendships formed, your favourite classes, study spots and professors, your mentors or role models, and any other significant memories that have had a life-long impact on you.

Click here to submit your memory or testimonial.

College News


Cancer researcher, entrepreneur and Justin Bieber’s DJ: A&S alum Amir Alam is a man of many talents

December 9, 2024

Amir Alam’s journey to the Faculty of Arts & Science started with a bet.

As a teenager, his love for creating music was ignited one night when he saw a DJ spinning records for a raucous crowd. He struck a deal with his mother: if he got accepted to every major Canadian university he applied to, she would buy him his first set of turntables. He won the wager after fast-tracking his last year of high school and receiving an offer of admission from U of T (along with other top-ranked schools) a few months later.
