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Alumni Café - Women, Sex-Work, and Taverns: the Digital Humanities in Renaissance Florence

Bartolomeo Grassi's engraving of two prostitutes and a procuress from Veri ritratti... (1588).
Bartolomeo Grassi's engraving of two prostitutes and a procuress from Veri Ritratti (1588).

Join us for an Alumni Café lecture featuring Woodsworth's Vice-Principal and Professor, Jennifer DeSilva. She will be speaking on "Women, Sex-Work, and Taverns: the Digital Humanities in Renaissance Florence." 

If you could walk down the street in Renaissance Florence, peering into houses, workshops, and taverns, where would you go? Would you visit the cathedral, shop at the market, or have a drink at a tavern? This presentation will introduce research conducted with The DECIMA Project, which uses GIS data to connect a 1561 tax census to a 1582 map of Florence, Italy. Using this Digital Humanities project we can test contemporary ideas about taverns being men-only spaces and women turning to sex work in hardship.

This is an online lecture via Zoom.