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Faculty of Arts & Science Application for Re-registration

  • Current Instructions
  • Student Information
  • Registration information
  • Academic Plan
  • Confidentiality
  • Complete

Application for Re-registration Instructions

Use this form if:

  • You have not registered in the Faculty of Arts & Science for at least 12 months; AND
  • Your most recent registration at the University of Toronto was in the Faculty of Arts & Science (or, you were registered as an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Arts & Science and then subsequently registered in a graduate or professional program at U of T without completing your undergraduate degree); AND
  • You completed at least one course (a final grade or CR/NCR) in the Faculty of Arts & Science; AND
  • You have paid all outstanding fees and/or cleared any financial holds on your account.


If you graduated from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts & Science within the previous 12 months: Please note that you must also use this form if you are a recent graduate of the Faculty of Arts & Science who is returning to take courses as a non-degree student, even if you were registered as a degree student in the Faculty in the previous 12 months.

Do not use this form if:

  • You were previously registered in the Faculty of Arts & Science but withdrew from all courses. Withdrawal includes cancelling courses without academic penalty (the course no longer appears on your transcript) and Late Withdrawal (the course appears on your transcript with a notation of LWD or WDR). You will need to re-apply for admission to the Faculty of Arts & Science; OR
  • Your most recent undergraduate registration at the University of Toronto was in a division other than the Faculty of Arts & Science. Please contact the division for re-registration information or re-apply for admission to the Faculty as an internal transfer student. If you were registered as an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Arts & Science and then subsequently registered in a graduate or professional program at the University of Toronto without completing your undergraduate degree, please contact your College Registrar’s Office; OR
  • You have transferred to another university and wish to return to the Faculty of Arts & Science on a Letter of Permission. You will need to apply for admission as a visiting studentOR
  • You were previously registered as a visiting student at the Faculty of Arts & Science and would like to return as a visiting student. You will need to need to re-apply as a visiting student.

When to Apply:

The recommended timeframe to submit an application for re-registration is a minimum of two weeks prior to course enrolment for the relevant session:

  • Fall/Winter session - course enrolment begins in July
  • Summer session - course enrolment begins in March

Although applications for re-registration will continue to be accepted after these dates, please note that if enrolment has already started some courses may no longer have space. 


It is recommended that you make an appointment with an advisor in your College Registrar's Office to discuss your academic plans, your degree and program requirements, and any changes in Faculty policies or procedures since your last registration. 

Name and Legal Status

You may be required to submit proof of your legal status in Canada. Please see the TCard website for acceptable documentation. If your name or legal status has changed since you were last registered, please consult with your College Registrar’s Office prior to submitting this form. 


Please ensure that your mailing address is correct on ACORN. If any of your contact information needs to be updated, you can do so on ACORN